Greetings from my winter hibernation – there is no such thing as a January New Year for me; it is all sleep, heat, baths, lots of warm food and cocooning, once again. However, I felt like taking a peep out to share some GNM foundations because without understanding the fundamentals, we can’t fully apply the deep knowledge and wisdom of GNM and embody it. Let’s start with a little bit of history.
Disclosure: This is not medical advice. For educational purposes only.
German New Medicine History
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, a former German physician, founded German New Medicine. In 1979, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, and a few months before his diagnosis, his son tragically died. He was a healthy man and intuited that his cancer could have developed from the shocking death of his son. He began to research the histories of his patients with cancer and found that each of them, like him, had also experienced an unexpected shock prior to their diagnosis. He compared his patients' brain scans with their medical records and personal history and discovered a clear link between the types of “conflict shocks” and specific symptoms on the organ level and how the brain is the connection between the two.
Dr. Hamer established that every disease originates from a shocking event that catches us off guard. He found the connection of the psyche–brain–organ with the psyche always as the leading factor and established the Five Biological Laws. By 1987, he had analyzed over 10,000 cases and confirmed his studies with over 40,000 cases. He passed away in 2017.
Five Biological Laws
Yes, laws, not theories. These laws remain constant with anyone, anywhere, and they teach us how our biology is simply flawless in nature.
“Many of us will at one time or another experience conflict and get cancer, but that is a normal part of life and not such a bad thing at all, once one understands the principles of the Five Biological Laws.” – Dr. Hamer
The First Biological Law: “The Iron Rule of Cancer”
Every disease originates from a conflict shock that catches an individual completely off guard. It is emotionally distressing – an event in which we could not be prepared for and is potentially detrimental to one's health. A big ole surprise to the psyche. Dr. Hamer calls this unexpected conflict shock a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) named after his son, Dirk.
Shock first, then the symptom proceeds.
Every conflict shock impacts a specific area in the brain that is visible on a brain scan in the form of concentric rings. The location of those rings is determined by the conflict. When we experience/perceive a shock (psyche), our brain instantaneously communicates to the corresponding organ, and a Significant Biological Special Program (SBS) is instantly activated to help us cope with the conflict shock. The brain is the mediator between the psyche and the body with the psyche as the leading component. The psyche, brain, and organ are viewed as three in one.
Conflict shocks are completely subjective and unique to each individual. Our perception of life is entirely subjective, and how we experience conflict shocks is based on our beliefs, expectations, values, morals, fears, and resilience. Each SBS either manifests itself in the form of tissue loss, tissue growth, or change in function. Every symptom we experience is meaningful and has a biological purpose. No symptom is for no reason and can be traced back to a specific moment in time where we experienced a conflict shock. We have to take into account a person's gender, laterality, and hormone status. This determines whether or not the conflict impacts the right or left side of the brain. Hormone status determines if the conflict is experienced in a male or female way.
The Second Biological Law: The Law of Two Phases
Every Significant Biological Special Program (SBS) occurs in two phases.
Phase one: Conflict-active
Phase two: Healing
When we experience a conflict shock, we are immediately conflict-active and remain so until a resolution is found or occurs naturally. A conflict-active phase can last for days, months, years, or even a lifetime, depending. Some conflicts we never resolve. This is part of what makes each of us unique individuals with different personalities – the silly gooses within. We may experience multiple symptoms or no symptoms depending on which phase we are in and which SBS was activated.
During the conflict-active phase, we usually experience worry, overthinking, inability to sleep due to a natural instinct to resolve the conflict, cold hands and feet, and a loss of appetite. In the healing phase, we experience more peace and acceptance, night sweats, warm hands and feet, fever, inflammation, and an increase in appetite.
The Third Biological Law: The Ontogenetic System of Tumors
The correlation between the psyche-brain-organ is related to the three embryonic germ layers – the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. Organs originating from the same embryonic germ layer are controlled from the same part of the brain.
Organs that originate from the endoderm are controlled by the brainstem.
Organs that originate from the old mesoderm are controlled by the cerebellum.
Organs that originate from the new mesoderm are controlled by the cerebral medulla.
Organs that originate from the ectoderm are controlled by the cerebral cortex.
Embryological development is the basis for understanding tissue adaptation.
The Fourth Biological Law: The Ontogenetic System of Microbes
Microbes, bacteria, and fungi are part of our support system and aid in either the breakdown or replenishing of tissue. They are on standby until the brain gives them the go-ahead – they work exclusively in the healing phase. We’ve been programmed to believe that they cause disease and illness (germ theory), but this is far from our biological truth. Microbes, bacteria, and fungi are essential for optimal healing, although without them, healing will still occur, just not to the “biological optimum”.
The Fifth Biological Law: The Quintessence
“All so-called diseases have a special biological meaning. While we used to regard Mother Nature as fallible and had the audacity to believe that She constantly made mistakes and caused breakdowns (malignant, senseless, degenerative cancerous growths, etc.) we can now see, as the scales fall from our eyes, that it was our ignorance and pride that were and are the only foolishness in our cosmos. Blinded, we brought upon ourselves this senseless, soulless, and brutal medicine. Full of wonder, we can now understand for the first time that Nature is orderly and that every occurrence in Nature is meaningful, even in the framework of the whole. Nothing in Nature is meaningless, malignant, or diseased.” - Dr. Hamer
Our biology knows no flaws. There is only perfection in nature. German New Medicine is the ultimate guide to fearless, preventative medicine and is a biological birthright. Every symptom has a story, a plea from our biology to explore and trust the innate wisdom of our body.
Fear completely dissolves when we embrace the truth that healing is woven into the very essence of our biology.
P.S. I’m offering a workshop this Saturday, February 10th at 11 am EST to learn and explore the root cause of acne through the lens of German New Medicine. Your symptoms tell a story. What’s yours?
GNM is my new passion. Glad to see someone writing about it so others can learn! 🙏😀