Oct 27, 2023Liked by Abigail Chambley

Loved this Abby! Think this is very true to our innate selves and trusting our intuition/respecting ourselves etc. All goes hand in hand.

I have been on a similar journey like you, cutting out things since my college days and realizing things that didnt serve me (but also I realized I did probably have some types of food issues in middle/high school but I did not have any views back then or even from any media as I never listened or watched stuff and my stomach issues were probably more formed around constant stress/anxiety I would get from many things in my life going on from my family life and performance based).

Anyway- nowadays even with my psyche and letting things out internally, coming to realize I am okay and happy, and I cant change things or people in my family has helped me to be leas stressed about them along with learning that even foods are okay once in awhile, has helped me to not be so ocd and helped my acne clear. I even went further into parasite cleanses routinely to help and maybe they did ?! But after many years, i eat dairy on a regular basis - always getting cleaner grass-fed since the animals were able to graze etc. I have been recently on a journey with caffeine and despite caffeine being okay-ed in our society for productivity, intuitively I knowwww it is not for me- my body shakes, quivers and I cannot focus with my heart racing and I have tried to change my beliefs around this MANY times as i loveee the taste of coffee and sitting in a coffee shop. What ive come to terms with it, is there is a time and place for it- like if Im not stressed, have to go to work, or going to golf etc- then i can take time to live and enjoy my coffee with my husband at a coffee shop in peace, relaxed. But if I have stuff to do, eek, it is not something that benefits me inside. I believe inately that its aging me faster, speeding up my body etc. But hey thats just me!

As far as other restrictions I dont do that anymore as Ive reintroduced things. I know there are times for all foods- as all our bodies are different too with experiences, ancestry, weather based on where we live etc. I dont look at stuff as bad but just not serving to me at that time- living in Arizona I try to still live with the seasons, but know its different if I were in France in the winter for instance what I would be eating or even available to me over there, and hey I just got to live within ny means of availability! Well hope this helps and and love reading your notes. Hope the uk is lovely !

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Settling into our being and building trust with our bodies is a potent aspect of living a more joyful, confident and peaceful life. It’s wonderful that you’ve drawn from different parts of your own journey and applied them in ways that serve you. This is a continuous process that doesn’t have an endpoint and requires patience, which I find quite beautiful amidst the challenges.

Thanks for sharing a part of yourself and your experience, Brie.


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